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Writer's pictureThe Well Community Church

No. 78: What's Really Important

It's funny how people can get wrapped up in the most insignificant things.

Growing up, I was involved in a ton activities. Sports, Boy Scouts, church activities, community groups... growing up like this is probably where I got my inexhaustible work ethic. The downside is that when you're involved in "everything", its hard to get really good at any one of those many activities. You pick and choose what you excel at and what you just participate in. In each group, you had those super-junkies; the kids and parents who really became obsessed with a given activity. They bought the best equipment, had the latest uniforms, and seemed to live, eat, and breathe that particular sport or club. As a child, that may feel awesome because "ball is life", but when you look back as an adult, its easy to wonder if it was all worth it.

As an adult, the same people exist, the activities just changed. Instead of being obsessed over soccer, they are obsessed over being the most influential person on town council. Instead of youth group, they are obsessed with being that senior deacon or elder. Instead of 4H club, they want to be the head of the business association. Even though the stakes of these these activities may be higher than when we are kids, I still wonder if years down the road we'll look back and say "was it all worth it?"

We've been preaching out of Ecclesiastes the last couple of weeks. In these sermons we read this...

There is nothing better for a person than to eat, drink, and enjoy his work. I have seen that even this is from God’s hand, because who can eat and who can enjoy life apart from him? (Eccl 2:24-25, CSB)

I love being busy and working, but one area where I've tried to see my flaws and improve is overworking in [insert whatever activity here]. I see images of Pastor Doug and Pastor Frank enjoying quality time with their kids and grandkids and I stare at the smiling face of my daughter just wanting a "ugk" (hug in Phoebe-speak). It is a reminder of the amazing blessings God has placed in our lives and how ungrateful it would be for us to live lives ignoring them as if God isn't infinitely gracious and generous.

Sometimes the most "Christian" thing we can do is just live a life of thanksgiving and enjoy what we have. Opportunities to work, to give, to serve will come and go. Life is full of many trials and seasons of tireless work. But life is also full of blessings God has given us... family, friends, and those loved ones we see all around us. Do not forget to pause and be thankful for all God has given because those good things are not owed to us. God could easily allow our blessings to slip away and he would still be wholly justified. So give thanks, hold a loved one, enjoy your blessings, and fear only God.

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