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Writer's pictureThe Well Community Church

No. 70: Do We Pray?

Do We Pray?

Some would say, “of course” but I am not asking if you pray for your food or when things get out of hand. I am asking, Do You Pray? Is your life centered on prayer? Does it consist of prayer for other’s needs, worship, thankfulness or is it centered around you?

The Bible gives us tremendous insight into a powerful prayer life and the need for that in the believer’s life.

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Most athletes know what their best skill/weapon is. It’s the go-to and they also learn to center all they do around it to maximize their game.

For the Christian, prayer should be that go-to weapon. It’s not defensive, it’s offensive. It is the most powerful thing you have and is empowered by the gospel.

If you want to grow in your faith, truly grow. Pray.

“Men and women are needed whose prayers will give to the world the utmost power of God; who will make His promises to blossom with rich and full results. God is waiting to hear us and challenges us to bring Him to do this thing by our praying. He is asking us, to-day, as He did His ancient Israel, to prove Him now herewith." Behind God's Word is God Himself, and we read: "Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, his Maker: Ask of me of things to come and concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands, command ye me." As though God places Himself in the hands and at the disposal of His people who pray - as indeed He does. The dominant element of all praying is faith, that is conspicuous, cardinal and emphatic. Without such faith it is impossible to please God, and equally impossible to pray.” E.M. Bounds, The Weapon of Prayer

Many Blessings,

Pastor Doug

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