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No. 66: Excited but Burdened

Writer's picture: The Well Community ChurchThe Well Community Church

Is that possible? To be both excited and burdened at the same time. I believe it is. The Apostle John wrote his purpose of penning the fourth Gospel in John 20: 30-31.

30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples that are not written in this book. 31 But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. (John 20: 30-31)

John is laying out his heart with the pen. In one moment, he is telling you that Jesus did so much more than we have a record of but we have all we need to make the choice, to BELIEVE or to ignore.

He had to be excited about those that came to the faith and burdened for those that just didn’t get it or worse, chose to ignore it. As believers, we see that and we can relate. We have a family member, a co-worker, a friend, that you know isn’t a believer and you desperately want to see them come to know Jesus. You celebrate those that do and you are burdened for those that are still outside the family of faith.

We can’t make the decision for them but we should never give up on them. So be excited and rejoice for those that BELIEVE. Be burdened for those that have not. Our Savior was burdened for the lost. If not, he would have never taken that long walk with a cross at the end. We have much to do and time is passing fast. Pray, fast, rejoice and continue to be a light to those that need Jesus!

Many Blessings,

Pastor Doug


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