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Writer's pictureThe Well Community Church

No. 6: Calling Your Spiritual Bluff

Almost 5 years ago I was floating around in the western Pacific ocean on a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier surrounded by other destroyers, cruisers, and a couple of attack subs to boot. Altogether, we represented about 150,000 metric tons of sheer American freedom. It's an awesome display of force and military power.

While I was out there, some interesting real-world stuff occurred. We had a destroyer that was moving through a region claimed by another nation. Being the freedom-loving nation we are, we decided to take this proclamation that another nation "owned" territory clearly in international waters as an invitation to test their resolve... by driving a US warship straight through the contested area.

As a destroyer was moving through the area, it was followed by a frigate owned by the other nation. This game of nautical chase continued until the frigate moved up beside our destroyer, and pointed it's large deck gun right at the hull of our ship. Things got extremely tense for a few minutes. On the carrier, the commodore, who is the senior officer in charge of all the destroyers and cruisers, showed up and started taking control of the situation with his deputy on the radio talking to the destroyer. The destroyer radioed over, "Bravo Zulu this is [ship name], request permission to change course to [X,Y,Z] to exit the contested geometry, over." The deputy commodore saw that the destroyer wanted to de-escalate by retreating. As the deputy started responding with approval for the maneuver, the actual commodore ripped the radio out of his hand and said, "[ship name] this is Bravo Zulu actual, NEGATIVE THAT MANEUVER, you are to maintain course and bearing and NOT TO GIVE THE ADVERSARY THE IMPRESSION YOU HAVE BEEN INTIMIDATED, Bravo Zulu out!" He hung up the radio, gave a dirty look to his deputy, then eventually left the bridge when the danger had passed.

Whether you followed all the jargon or not, you can tell from this interaction that the commodore knew what he had at his disposal and knew what he was there to do. The crew aboard the destroyer and the rest of the commanders had to decide whether to put their faith in who they knew they were or whether to simply react to the physical challenges in front of them by running away.

Ezra ran into a similar situation when assembling all of the temple servants, Levites, and priests at the temple. When making the journey from the Ahava Canal in modern-day Iraq through the fertile crescent to Jerusalem, his caravan would no-doubt go through dangerous lands inhabited by bandits and marauders. Ezra and the Israelites already had the blessings of Artaxerxes, ruler of Persia, and had already received tons of support for the Persian king so surely they could easily get a guard to escort them, right?

I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, because we had told the king, “The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him, but his great anger is against all who forsake him.” So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer. (Ezra 8:22-23)

Ezra, like the commodore in my story, knew the power of his God and what he was there to do. He had to decide whether to follow God... whether to act on faith... or whether to lean on the physical world he could see. He petitioned God with prayer and meditation and God proved faithful.

On our journey, we 'are' and 'will be' faced with many risks and dangers. Where will we meet? Who will join us? How will we reach others in the days of COVID? Will there be backlash against what we're trying to do or the unconventional church model we feel called to pursue? These are all normal and understandable concerns. I have them, too. However, this is where life calls our spiritual bluff and tests our resolve to rely on Him. Are we going to buckle to the pressure or will we refuse to give the world the impression that we have been intimidated?

Stay strong! For if God is for us, who can be against us?


DAILY PRAYER A Prayer for Courage

Lord of all power and comfort, give us that safe harbor and refuge when we need it most so that we can be renewed and return to the fray. The powers of Satan and this world seem to never tire, but your love and protection never fail. You offer everything we need on this and any other journey we undertake. Even though our resolve may waiver, know that our faith in you is strong. Seal our hearts so that we may stand fast in you against anything that may come our way.

We are forever thankful for the comfort and resolve we can find in you. Amen.

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