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Writer's pictureThe Well Community Church

No. 59: "Who Placed a Mouth on Humans?"

Our daughter, Phoebe, has been growing older and is now earning TV privileges. Growing up we have been very careful to not let her "zone out" watching television or any sort of flashing screens, but as she hits 2 years old she is starting to get around 30 minutes of screen time a day. As a result, I've been watching a lot of Disney princess musical numbers. By the way, "Moana" is a far superior movie to "Frozen".

To break up the constant "Disney" trend, I've introduced Phoebe to the "Prince of Egypt" animated movie from 1998. There is a scene that mirrors Exodus 3 and 4, with a little artistic license, and does a great job of demonstrating how the emotion and interactions between Moses and God may have gone.

In this scene, I particularly like how Exodus 4:11-12 was portrayed.

The Lord said to him, “Who placed a mouth on humans? Who makes a person mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go! I will help you speak and I will teach you what to say.” (Exodus 4:11-12)

How often do we all find ourselves in the shoes of Moses? We hear or feel God's calling on our lives, immediately think of all the obstacles, and we shy away from the task at hand. Maybe someone else will do it. Maybe God has the wrong person. We can understand God's rage at Moses. "Don't you think I know what I'm doing?! Don't I know every hair on your head and thought in your mind?! Who are you to question my judgment!"

God knows what he's doing. We sometimes forget that. When God selects us, our doubts are doubts of ourselves... not of God. In those moments when we doubt our own abilities, we must trust in God. We will fulfill our calling; not because of any skills or talents that we have, but because God will go with us! What an amazing thought!

We serve an amazing and mighty God. When things look their bleakest, we must remember who it is we serve and who has sent us. God will go with us and tell us what to say.

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