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Writer's pictureThe Well Community Church

No. 55: Misunderstood

Dear Church,

I pray that this finds you well. We had a great time of celebration and worship at The Well this past Sunday. Bro. Bob opened up with a scripture reading and it was great to have Debbie Houston and Justen Haynes leading us in worship. I started to crack the nut, so to speak, on the book of Galatians. A letter that Paul was compelled to write out of frustration, anger and love. Over the next 3-4 weeks we will be walking through this letter and discussing Grace vs works and a few misunderstandings about the gospel that every believer should be able to navigate.

A few weeks ago, as I was preparing for this series I posted a thought on Facebook. I want to share that again because I am not sure I could say it any clearer than what I did then.

Misunderstood: In years of ministry I have come to believe that many misunderstand the grace of God. We get it only surface deep. Enough to call ourselves believers. Enough to have a little faith. Oh, but we miss out on the AMAZING part. Grace plus nothing. We get it but then we live a life with one foot in Grace and the other in “trying to measure up”. That’s where we miss it. Diving into Grace you realize that there is a freedom knowing you are loved by God, regardless of your failures yesterday, today and tomorrow. When we walk in freedom, we begin to realize that God loves us because of who He is. I am thankful for that because on this side of eternity, none of us will ever measure up. From the prostitute to the CEO, we all are not worthy. I am just thankful for Grace. “My Grace is sufficient for thee” 2 Cor 12:9

So, I encourage you to join us and “Check your feet”. Check where your feet are, we all can easily have one foot in grace and the other in something else. God wants both our feet firmly planted on the foundation of clear gospel truth…

As you go through this week, please remember Carolyn Lane and her family as well as Craig Lewis's family as they both lost their father's this past week.

See you soon,

Pastor Doug

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