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Writer's pictureThe Well Community Church

No. 50: Avoid Silly Arguments

"You would argue with a brick wall."

This is a phrase that I've heard once or twice, mostly directed at me. I love debate and I love a good dumpster fire. It's all in good fun, but sometimes those debates can be taken a little too personally.

Paul spoke in Titus regarding some silly arguments taking place in the Church of Crete. There were individuals who appeared to disagree on things that were not pertinent to the work God was doing in that area which caused a schism. Here is what Paul had to say...

But avoid foolish debates, genealogies, quarrels, and disputes about the law, because they are unprofitable and worthless. (Titus 3:10)

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, this sounds a lot like a phrase I was once told which goes something like "you don't have to accept an invitation to every fight you're invited to". When debates over things like political opinions, personal preference, or social opinions drive a wedge between believers, God's work meets resistance. Maybe that individual you were arguing with is someone you should be discipling. Maybe that person who was baiting you into a fight is actually someone who needs to see some compassion and grace. It can be hard to turn down the invitation to argue, but we have to remember to keep our obligation to spread the Gospel as our number 1 priority.

Like to fight? I get it; I do too. But let's make certain that our mission takes priority over our personal tendencies so that no one is shut out of our ministry.



Lord, help us to understand when something is worth fighting for and when something is just another fight, tempting us to get sucked into a fruitless discussion. Give us the wisdom and patience when dealing with frustrating individuals and help give us the words when conflict is unavoidable. In your name we pray, Amen.

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