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No. 37: But, God

Writer's picture: The Well Community ChurchThe Well Community Church

Dear Well Partners and Friends, I hope this finds you all well and enjoying the new year. I know some are either dealing with COVID in their home or within their extended family. I am praying that the Lord heals and strengthens all. I could write and pontificate (that word is for Pastor Joseph J), on the typical "yesterday is gone and today is a new year" theme but I think we all would agree that gets old and, as the word “pontificate” suggests, it can be annoying. LOL. What I would like to share with you today is a message that we hear often but tend to miss on occasion; not a holiday or social event but the multiple moments in our lives when God provides a way. You know... a “But, God” moment. We know that God is a faithful provider but what about those moments when we are blessed so we can bless others? Whether it is monetarily or providing physical labor. Regardless of the vehicle, I believe those are moments when we truly taste and see that the Lord is good. In an earlier well drop, I mentioned that when the band was four days away from flying out we were short $400. Then we received a check for $800 that put us in the green. That is not where that story ends. There were many people that were responsible for us while we were there. Gustave was one of the men that helped transport, lug gear, set up, and everything else you could imagine for several days. To describe him, he is a vibrant spirit. He works with his hands and does what he can to help others. He and his wife Anya opened their home to us like many did, broke bread with us and helped us share the gospel. There is more to tell, but we would be here all day. While we were there, his car was stolen. This was not uncommon. There was actually a saying at that time: “Visit Poland, your car is already there”. Funny, but not funny. Especially if it was your car. Unlike America, most families had one vehicle, if they could afford one at all. I remember seeing gas prices there upwards of five dollars a gallon. The day that happened, Gustave was still singing and joyful as he always was. I looked at Chris and Rob and we knew why that check was $800 instead of $400. In 1999 the US to Polish currency exchange rate was 1 to 4+. God blessed us so we could share that blessing four times over. Gustave was able to replace the car. Somewhere, I have a picture he sent us with him in the new car. This was a “But, God” moment in our lives. I am thankful that we could taste and see the goodness and faithfulness of God in that moment and moments to come. Many preachers hang on the phrase, “But, God” in the scriptures for good reason. It is an announcement that God is about to do something. He is about to make a way. There are many, but Galatians 3:18 has much to do with our future. For if the inheritance depends on the law, then it no longer depends on the promise; but, God in his grace gave it to Abraham through a promise. (Gal 3:18) That promise is the ultimate “But, God” moment. It secures our eternity with him. I realize the "why" still bounces around in our heads. Why does God want me? The devil will occasionally take us down a path, pointing out our flaws. God never does that. God is about drawing us near, not beating us down. So why? Simply because we are precious to him. While our inheritance is fixed in heaven. Christ’s inheritance is those who have believed. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance. (Psalm 33:12) The Bible is full of “But God” moments that we cling to. But what about those in our own lives where if it wasn’t for a “But, God”, things could have been much different? Every adoption story I have ever been a part of has been a “But, God” moment. So is each one of yours. When God adopts us as his, it is the biggest “But, God” moment of all. Only a child of the father can truly taste and see that he is good. My friends, I think we would all agree that he is soooooo good. Many Blessings, Pastor Doug PS: I "Well Drop" like I preach. I try to keep it short J

[Editor's Note: (1) I admire Doug's use of the word "pontificate". (2) I'll assume him saying he will "keep it short" isn't a slight against the editor's height.]



A Prayer for "But, God" Blessings

Father, you have already blessed us as families, as a community church, and as The Well with amazing friends and resources. We pray that you would open doors and illuminate needs in our hearts where we can use our financial, emotional, and physical blessings to reach those around us. Open our eyes to the person in pain sitting beside us and the person who has been rejected behind us. Give us a heart for these people that we could share our blessings with them in hopes that they, too, would have a "But, God" moment. You are so, so good to us and we thank you every day for it. Amen.


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