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Writer's pictureThe Well Community Church

No. 16: When God's Calling Drafts You

I spoke in a previous devotion about being in a debate club during my high school years. During one of our only competitions, I competed in an event called the "student congress" where you observed the decorum of a large, governing body and sought to persuade a broad group of people to support your side of various fictitious or real-world issues. During one exchange, a young girl walked up to the podium to argue against an issue titled "women should be required to sign up for selective service". She gave an impassioned speech about how dangerous it could be to the fabric of society if women were forced to join the military and how the sudden influx of women into the military would cause them to outnumber men. It was at that moment that I had a realization: she showed up to the debate thinking the "selective service" was the same thing as the draft. After she was done, I asked if she was aware of what the draft was and how it differed from selective service. She paused and said she didn't. I said "thank you" and sat down. I also ended up winning that event. Joseph of 2020 thinks Joseph of 2003 was a total jerk.

After that debate, I thought a lot more about the draft. I thought about how my older brother was attending a military academy (and would later have a fairly successful military career in the Marine Corps) and the potential life decisions he was making. There was a real chance that this decision would be fraught with hardships, sacrifices, and possibly bodily harm. Now, imagine doing all that but doing so because the government sent you a letter saying, "congratulations, patriot, you're now in the army". That would be terrifying in so many ways.

I wonder if that's how the Israelites felt in Nehemiah. After the walls had been rebuilt, Nehemiah prescribed how the city should be guarded.

I said to them, "The gates of Jerusalem are not to be opened until the sun is hot. While the gatekeepers are still on duty, have them shut the doors and bar them. Also appoint residents of Jerusalem as guards, some at their posts and some near their own houses." (Nehemiah 7:3)

I wonder how those residents felt after rebuilding the walls of their city and now being told that they were being thrown, potentially, in harm's way. I'm sure some were scared or uncertain of their own capabilities. I'm sure others thought "I didn't ask for this!"

In our own spiritual journeys, we are faced with different types of callings. Some are callings we prayed for and present themselves as blessings, such as the calling to a new job or to become a parent. Some are callings that challenge us, such as the calling Jesus had for many of his disciples. The third type of calling is one that I feel we see time and time again in scriptures: God drafting his servants and saints.

Paul did not choose to be blinded on the road to Damascus. Moses didn't ask to become the shepherd for a nation. Jonah didn't ask to be the mouthpiece of God to a city which had gone astray. Yet still, God made each of these individuals instruments to build his kingdom and do great works.

In our own lives, we are sometimes faced with similar situations. It may be a calling we were drafted into related to talking to co-workers and friends God has placed in our lives. It may be a calling where someone is pleading with us to assist in a new charity or ministry we know we can support but are hesitant for our own reasons. It could be that you are called through situations and circumstances to act boldly in a way that is difficult but appears clear based on the signs and actions of those around you... such as when deciding to form a new church.

Sometimes God answers requests, sometimes God calls, and sometimes God drafts. How we react in those moments speaks volumes about the strength of our faith and is an opportunity to be made stronger reflections of the Savior who was destined to crucifixion from birth, but was perfected in the end.


DAILY PRAYER A Prayer for Following Our Calling

God, make your callings clear in our lives. Help us to have the discernment to know when you are presenting us opportunities, when you are presenting us challenges, and when you are drafting us into something we may not even know we are equipped to do. You know use in and out and have a plan for each one of us. Whether our callings keep us together or call us miles and miles apart, help us to remain supportive and caring of one another and be able to celebrate in the labors we have undertaken in your name. You have already done so much and have so much left to show us. Thank you, God, for the opportunity to serve you. Amen.

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