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Writer's pictureThe Well Community Church

No. 13: An Even Playing Field

A bit ago I was at band practice and spent a little time joking around with Doug as we normally do. At one point, I laughed and said, "It's not that I think I'm above the rules or anything... I just choose to believe they don't apply to me." I was joking, but could you imagine someone who actually had this mindset? I sure hope someone like that never becomes anything important like a Senator or President...

The next chapter in Nehemiah goes into an interesting discussion on how certain Jews were treating their Jewish countrymen. In a group as large as the nation of Israel, you had some individuals who had plentiful amounts of food and resources and others who lacked. Of those who lacked, some were borrowing from the royal treasuries and others were borrowing from other Jews. The practice of charging interest had become widespread and Nehemiah was quick to point out that we should not put our brothers and sisters in a situation in which they are "enslaved" to us by debt.

The main story is not what spoke to me so much as how Nehemiah addressed the issue.

Even I, as well as my brothers and my servants, have been lending them money and grain. Please, let's stop charging this interest. (Nehemiah 5:10)

Nehemiah was quick to point out that he was guilty of many of the same behaviors he was decrying. If you were one of the Jews feeling attacked, you could have chosen to point a finger at Nehemiah and call him a hypocrite, but a more sound perspective would be that Nehemiah was clearly communicating that everyone is flawed, everyone should repent, and everyone should abide by the same standards of virtue and morality.

For anyone who finds themselves in a position of mentorship or leadership, it becomes easy to feel as if the rules really don't apply to you. When I give sermons, I have to make a conscious effort to avoid phrases that start out with the word "you" simply because I don't want to project an image that I think myself better than anyone else. It comes natural to some but harder for others.

As we move forward during this season of political turmoil (still), church polity, and holiday stress, let's pay special attention to how we apply the standards of our own conduct; let's ensure that we are not criticizing others for actions or behaviors that we, ourselves, also struggle with. If the criticism applies to all of us, let's be just as eager to call out our own actions so that others may be more willing to hear the truth we have to say and... hopefully... be encouraged by our witness and demonstration of honesty.


DAILY PRAYER A Prayer for Even Standards of Morality and Virtue

God, never has there been an individual so worthy of being treated "special" who chose to live an unremarkable life as there was in your son, Jesus Christ. We pray that you would continue to bless the planting of our church and guard our hearts against any type of feelings that would lead us towards something other than your will. We desire to focus on you and you alone. In your name we pray, Amen.

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