Over the last couple of weeks we have been going through a sermon series titled "Family" where we look at what it means to be more than just a church club... but rather a church family. This last week I was reminded of what it means to be a family.
At the risk of sharing too much, I did not feel well on Monday. Beginning at 1:00AM, I was in and out of the bathroom being the worst version of sick that I have ever been in my life. My father, who has been staying in our basement apartment, said he woke up multiple times and wondered if I was yelling. As fate would have it, this was also an eventful day for everyone else. My daughter got up around 2AM needing new sheets, normally my job, but I had to ask Meredith to step in; she did without complaint or question. We needed to get the kids to daycare and school; my father stepped up and took care of everything. I needed to have some important conversations at my day-job; my boss was understanding and gave me all the flexibility I needed. Later in the day, I shared texts with Char and Shelby who were checking in on me. During the entire episode, I couldn't help but notice the amount of support everyone had for me in a moment where I felt entirely helpless.
This is what a family should feel like. You may be the strongest, the smartest, the most capable, or most "whatever" person in your family, but when you're at your worst the family unit comes together. That idea of being there for another person, without any expectation of reward or repayment, is a strong indicator that you have something special with those around you. It certainly indicates that you're more than simply "club members" at the same organization.
I am reminded of this excerpt from Galatians...
Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone considers himself to be something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. (Galatians 6:2-3)
As a part of the body of Christ, we are called to bear one another's burdens; not so that we would all be miserable but so that we could all celebrate in the unity we share with Christ. We all go through weak moments. When those times come when you have a chance to show support to a brother or sister in Christ, push your own interests aside and pursue whatever you can to offer assistance. In doing so, you communicate how much you love and care for that individual which will truly show that this "thing" we have in common... this affiliation in faith and being we worship... is more than just a trend or a social club.
It's something so much bigger.
It's family.